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Greenhouse gas emissions (GHG)

Starting from 2019, Baltpool carries out GHG emission calculations in accordance with the methods of the GHG Protocol ‘The Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard’ and ‘The Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3) Accounting and Reporting Standard.’ Operational emissions are classified as follows: direct emissions (Scope 1), indirect emissions (Scope 2), and other indirect emissions (Scope 3). In 2023, Scope 3 emissions of the Group and companies of the Group were evaluated and calculated for the first time.

The main sources of GHG emissions are fuels used for vehicles. In 2023, the vehicle fleet of the Company was electrified: all vehicles used by the Company are electric vehicles or, where the use of an electric vehicle is not possible, hybrid vehicles. Only electricity produced from renewable sources is used to charge the vehicles.

From 2019 onwards, the use of electricity from renewable energy sources in office buildings results in zero Scope 2 emissions. Majority of Scope 3 emissions come from purchased goods and services (Category 1).

The table presents information on BALTPOOL’s GHG inventory:

Indicator 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019
Scope 1 emissions, tCO2e 4,00 10,47 9,36 11,07 12,89
Scope 2 emissions, tCO2e 0 0 0 0 0
Scope 3 emissions, tCO2e 84,0 72,30 Calculations have been carried out from 2022.
Change Scope 1 emissions compared to the base year, % -68,97 % -18,82 % -27,43 % -14,13 % base year

Calculated using the market-based method, based on actual electricity purchases. When calculating under the location-based method, i.e. based on the country-specific nature of energy production, the total BALTPOOL’s GHG emissions in 2023 would be 9.9 tCO2e.

GHG emissions in the EPSO-G Group

To further disclose the scope of GHG emissions of the EPSO-G Group of which Baltpool is part, below we provide sources of GHG emissions in the Group.

The main sources of GHG emissions produced in the operations of the Group include electricity losses in the transmission grid (Scope 2), natural gas leaks (Scope 1), fuel for fixed installations (Scope 1), and emissions from acquisition of non-current assets (Scope 3, Category 2). If the total quantity of GHG emissions for 2023 is considered, the greatest share of GHG emissions accounted for Scope 2 (62%), which was followed by Scope 1 (16%) and Scope 3 (22%). Detailed information on the GHG emissions agreement and reduction is provided in the consolidated sustainability report of the Group.

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