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Sustainability goals and outcomes

We seek to contribute with our activities to the implementation of the long-term sustainability goals of the EPSO-G Group by 2030, and, with consideration of the particularities of Baltpool activities, we have achieved the following results:

Area and United Nations Sustainable Development Goal Baltpool sustainability direction Baltpool long-term goals 2023 results


Enabling climate-neutral energy by reducing the environmental impact of activities To reduce GHG emission from the Company’s operations by 2/3 by 2030 In 2023, the GHG value of Scope 1 was 4,018 kg CO2e, i.e. -69% compared to the base (2019) year.

Social area

Building a progressive organisation which acts in observance of principles of sustainability 0 cases of human rights violations or discrimination. In 2023, 0 instances of human rights violations were recorded in the Company, and no notifications of possible discrimination or harassment were received via the anonymous hotline.
Aim for customer satisfaction to be at least 80%. In 2023, the GSCI customer satisfaction index was 83%.
Aim to become the Company that is perceived by at least 70% of employees, producers, suppliers and consumers as open, progressive and sustainable organisation In 2023, the employee involvement rate was 71%.


Transparent and efficient development of the energy exchange platform Ensure 0 cases of corruption. Adapt company structures and incentive systems to promote innovation. In 2023, 0 instances of corruption were recorded. An anonymous survey of employee tolerance for corruption was carried out in the Company. 13 employees (in 2022: 9 employees) took part in the survey. The survey has revealed that 100% of employees had not encountered any characteristics of corruption in their activity over the past 3 years.
Use green criteria in public procurement. In 2023, green criteria were used in all (100%) public procurements.
Aim for an A+ Good Governance Index. In 2023, the good governance index was A+.

Detailed information about the Baltpool sustainable activity goals and results is provided in the sustainability overview in the annual report and in the sustainability report of the EPSO-G Group.

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