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Sustainable activity management

In the EPSO-G Group, sustainability principles are integrated in the operational processes, and management of sustainability areas by competences includes all levels. The board of the Company is responsible for setting and review of long-term strategic sustainability goals and for monitoring indicators. The board also approves environmental, equal opportunities, occupational health and safety, corruption prevention, remuneration, performance evaluation, and development policies. Furthermore, in the scope of its competences, the board approves the Company’s annual objectives, which include sustainability goals. The board of the EPSO-G Group also approves a list of group-level risks, which includes risks relating to sustainability matters, including the risk of non-compliance with occupational safety requirements, the risk of insufficient employee qualifications, employee turnover and motivation, the risk of damages resulting from natural phenomena, etc.

The results of monitoring of the identified risks and risk management measures are regularly provided for familiarisation to managers of the Group, boards of companies and the Group, and the audit committee, with consideration of the scope of competences of each of them.

The sustainability development manager of the Group is responsible for monitoring sustainability goals of the Group and coordination of their achievement. In individual companies, the respective environmental, social area, and governance goals, with consideration of scopes of competence, are delegated to individual functional divisions of the EPSO-G Group (e.g. environmental, occupational safety, human resources, risk and compliance management, etc.).

Companies of the EPSO-G Group that have more than 50 employees have appointed persons responsible for the assurance of equal opportunities in their companies.

Companies of the EPSO-G Group follow the policies approved on the group level, and these policies regulate the unified management of environmental, social, and governance areas:

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